Mayor: Mary E. Puznowski -
Board of Trustees:
Robert Dyer -
Robert Gridley -
Marilyn Williams -
Brian Randall -
Village Board Meetings
Village Board Regular Meetings are held on the third Monday of the month.
Regular meetings start at 6:00 p.m.
Special meetings are called as needed and the Times-Telegram will be notified along with postings on the Village Hall Bulletin board, Facebook and LED sign.
Please check the bulletin board for meeting agenda, Facebook - villageof, village website -
If you wish to address the village board at a meeting please contact the Village Clerk no later than the Wednesday before the scheduled meeting to be placed on the agenda with the topic to be discussed.
Please note there is a public comment time at every regular meeting when anyone can speak. Meetings are held at Village Hall – 41 North Main Street.