Zoning Board
Meet as needed
Zoning Board Members:
William Reynolds
Brenda Naizby
Frederick Caufield
Robert Maxwell
Legal Notice - AT & T Cell Tower - 011620 Please note: Reconvene Public Hearing Feb. 5th @ 6:00 p.m. - Village Hall.
Zoning Meeting Agenda AT&T - 102720
ZBA Meeting Minutes AT&T - 102720
Legal Notice - Geoffrey Grace - 092820
Zoning Public Hearing Minutes - Geoffrey Grace - 092820
Zoning Meeting Agenda Geoffrey Grace - 102220
ZBA Meeting Minutes - Geoffrey Grace - 102220
Zoning Meeting Agenda AT&T - 110220
ZBA Meeting Minutes AT&T - 110220
Please note: Meetings on the 22nd and 27th are ZBA working meetings and not public hearings.
Copies of the Village of Dolgeville Zoning Law adopted February 2000 are available upon request – $ 5.00 fee.